LinkAce Features

Even more Features
Supported databases: SQLite, MySQL / MariaDB, PostgreSQL
A Helm chart is available for easily deploying LinkAce to your Kubernetes cluster.
Import or export to HTML files compatible with all major browsers.
Titles, descriptions and thumbnails are generated automatically once you saved a link.
Links, lists and tags can be bulk-edited and bulk-deleted.
LinkAce can store backups on Amazon AWS or any S3-compatible service. Backups include the app files and the database.
Links, tags, lists or notes are not permanently deleted. A trash holds all "deleted" entries so nothing gets lost accidentally.
Sharing with a click: LinkAce prepares share links for a lot of different apps: email, Twitter, Whatsapp, Reddit,...
And a dozen configuration options: timezone, time and date formats, defaults for link creation, and many more.

Install LinkAce
LinkAce ships with pre-configured Docker configurations and a built-in web installer to make things as easy as possible. Installation via Docker is the recommended way.